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dj 12-22-2017 02:44 PM

Christmas music for 2017
1 Attachment(s)
It's been a busy and hectic year here, with 11 different plays put in front of audiences in the past 12 months.

No actual Christmas music this year, but a piece from our Christmas "panto" production.

Panto, if you don't know, is a two-hundred year old English theatre tradition of holiday entertainment for children. It includes men dressed as women (the "Dames"), women dressed as men (the "Principle Boy"), fairies, magic, LOTS of broad comedy and music.

This was the first one we've undertaken and our Cinderella turned into one of our biggest sellers in a long time.

Here's the song we used as our closer -- performed after the curtain call.

If I Were Not In Pantomime is a traditional theatre song that comes in many different guises, with thousands of verses (most of them not family oriented ;)). Ours is family-friendly, however. It starts off pretty tamely and gets crazier and crazier as it goes.

Here's the .not file for our version and also HERE's a video of it in performance. Just listening to the .not file won't give you any idea of the song, so watch the video too.

Merry Christmas to all.


geoff 12-23-2017 03:57 AM

Re: Christmas music for 2017
Loved it.

Sherry C 01-17-2018 12:38 PM

Re: Christmas music for 2017
Hi David,

Hadn't had a chance to watch the video til just now - what a hoot!

Well done, as always.


rrayner 02-03-2018 03:34 PM

Re: Christmas music for 2017
That looked like your troop was having a lot of fun, David. Sorry to be so late, but I just carved out some time to watch this. Unfortunately, the singers were very difficult to understand, but the point got through.

Congratulations on putting together what I'm sure was a boffo performance. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for the amount of work that goes into a production like that.


dj 02-04-2018 12:25 PM

Re: Christmas music for 2017
Thanks, Ralph.

None of the performers were chosen for their singing ability, although our Cinderella is about to go off to university to study classical voice and opera.

The song was added partway through rehearsal.

An all-new Hansel and Gretel next year, pace Mr. Humperdink.


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