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bluecamels 09-11-2012 03:50 PM

Adjusting note velocities in grace notes
Hello, Is there a way adjust the note velocity of a grace note? :) I use notation composer as midi recording device from my piano/keyboard and need to make adjustments in the midi file for sound and pedaling before I upload my videos to youtube sometimes. Sometimes I'll have an almost perfect recording with only one note mistake. Well... many times this note mistake ends up being a grace note in the file. I could fix the midi for sound if I could adjust that grace note's note velocity to a "05" or so and it would then be inaudible. However, there seems to be no way to do this with a grace note. I can't just delete the grace note because that throws off the timing of the rest of the piece because it's a live recording through midi. I also can't delete that grace note and re enter a new grace note in that spot with a note velocity set to "05" because it still throws off the timing of the rest of the piece since it is from a live recording. Being able to adjust the velocity of a grace note or not is almost a deal breaker for me to use this program. Please tell me there is a way to simply adjust that existing grace note's note velocity. Thanks for reading. :)

Sherry C 09-11-2012 07:28 PM

Re: Adjusting note velocities in grace notes

For the grace note (or any other notes):

1. click on it to select it
2. Hold the "L" key (for loudness) and press the Down arrow key to adjust the loudness down (or Up for adjusting it louder).

Enjoy :)

bluecamels 09-12-2012 08:41 AM

Re: Adjusting note velocities in grace notes
Thank you Sherry! I tried it and it works! Not that I didn't believe you.... but after trying many methods until I asked I had found only one way that worked on ocassion. :D This was to add a grace note directly under the existing one at a 05 note velocity and then deleting the other grace note. Thanks you for your time and quick response because I DO appreciate it! :) For the future version of Notation (if it ever comes out) could it be on the to-do list for grace notes to be edited like all other notes via "note velocity".... where you can quickly type in a specific note velocity value with precise and quick accuracy?? Thanks again for reading and for your time. I DO appreciate it! ;)

Sherry C 09-12-2012 03:35 PM

Re: Adjusting note velocities in grace notes

Glad the technique works for you. We do have a number of enhancements slated for editing grace notes - we are listening :)


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