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M G Jacobs (mgj32) 04-27-2009 06:18 AM

I wasn't sure which catego
I wasn't sure which category to put this in. It is structured on the complete Foster song, with various instruments taking the vocal melodies, but not varying them so much that with a dampening down of the solo instruments, considerably, a vocalist could sing the words, with the music as accompaniment. The main changes I have made are to note duration in an attempt to give more emphasis to certain words and phrases. I have also added and introduction and interludes between most stanzas and the refrains, which if you play the song backward, you will see what these interludes are based on. For those interested, the words go something like this (something like, because from memory):

Thou wilt come no more, Gentle Annie,
Like a flower thy spirit did depart.
Thou art gone, alas, like the many
That did bloom in the summer of my heard.

Shall we never more behold thee,
Never hear thy winning voice again,
When the springtime comes, Gentle Annie,
And the wild flowers are scattered o'er the plain?

We have roamed and loved mid the bowers
When they downy cheeks were in their bloom.
Now I stand alone mid the flowers
While they mingle their perfumes o'er thy tomb.


Ah, the hours grow sad when I ponder
Near the silent spot where thou art laid,
And my heart bows down when I wander
By the streams and the meadows where we strayed.


Without interlude, I repeat the second stanza again, and the refrain a final time.

Foster is one of the neglected giants of America's music past, as poet as well as melodist. I don't know as I have added anything, or if there is anything to add to such a perfect piece. All I have done is take another look, add some harmony that might have mildly shocked Foster, and allowed certain words to be emphasized by unbinding things metrically to an extent.

I know my wife would have liked this, so it has become a 47th anniversary gift.

An mp3 will be put on Soundclick when I have my new connection up and running and get my DSL address in the middle of the week. I tried it with MS Wavetable and found instrument volumes needed too much adjustment to spend the time. I have used mainly the Merlin Creative soundfont collection, with the solo strings from the Sinfonia collection.

<center><table border=1><tr><td> annie
Foster's Gentle Annie (460.4 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Adrian Allan (adrianallan) 04-30-2009 08:56 PM

I was keen to listen as I'
I was keen to listen as I'm interested in Foster, but couldn't get the MP3 file to work on Real Player - so let us know when it's on soundclick.

M G Jacobs (mgj32) 04-30-2009 10:15 PM

Hi Adrian, I put it on Soun
Hi Adrian,

I put it on Soundclick last night. It has quite a few changes from the one posted above, which was the .not file. I don't know how mp3 comes up in the download box.

all best,

Adrian Allan (adrianallan) 05-01-2009 06:45 AM

Good - had a listen to it. Som
Good - had a listen to it. Some interesting harmonies. I think it would benefit from some better sound samples - like East West VSTs. Maybe worth checking these out.



M G Jacobs (mgj32) 05-01-2009 07:08 AM

Hi Adrian, I think you'
Hi Adrian,

I think you're right. The best I can get with my Audigy 2 ZS is the Merlin soundfonts created especially for Soundblaster. The card has never worked right, anyhow. It's supposed to have two synths, but A and B, if I want to go beyond 16 channels, will lock up the computer. I think it has something to do with the 4GB of memory. At least, the old card worked well with a computer with less than 1MB of memory.

I wish I had the time to investigate VSTs, but I don't really have near the time I'd like to write music. I figure I'd better concentrate on that, and the sound can be taken care of when that later full of leisure arrives.

Your symphony sits on my desk top (the mp3) and I find it quite remarkable--one of those things worth listening to numerous times.

all best,

Adrian Allan (adrianallan) 05-01-2009 08:08 AM

thanks so much for listening t
thanks so much for listening to my music.

I is a big step to move into the VSTs with a sequencer like cubase and the initial set-up costs around $700, but I have to say that hearing my music (almost) properly has been a big help to me. And if you ever decide to go down that route, I can offer a lot of help in how to get started.



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