Thread: Fill 'er Up
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Old 06-05-2005, 12:20 AM
Clyde (clyde)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi, I would like to echo


I would like to echo the call to 'share our music'. We all benefit from this, eg:

(a) Each of uses Composer in a different way or for a different style of music. Some record directly into Composer, others generate orchestral parts, others (like myself) use it as a scoring programing to publish our music on the web. From comments in the forum, other also use it to prepare parts for their Church Bands etc.

(b) Most of us are self-conscious about our creations, and tend to be bashful and shy. I know I am - but it has been greatly encouraging to me to have the encouragement of peer comment, and also to see what others are doing that we all struggle with aspects of our musical creations. None of us are in a position to be critical of what others do, but we can certainly encourage each other.

(c) The facility that Mark has provided to 'share our music' will get your music known to others. For example, in the first 4 days of June so far, 16 people have followed the 'share your music' link and looked at my music. Even in the last few hours, people have downloaded/played 12 of my '.NOT' files from my web page.

(d) Mark has produced such a versatile package, and not only do we each use it for a different style of music, but we use it with emphasis on a different feature of the package. I think its great that we can be part of that promotion where we can all be winners.

Cheers ... Clyde

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