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Old 11-29-2010, 05:33 AM
Fury Pilot Fury Pilot is offline
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Posts: 14
Default Re: Time signature change in the middle of tied notes


You are right about there being an error in the MIDI file I sent you. I have now discovered that the time signature event was inserted between the Note On and Note Off events with a zero delta time, instead of a delta time representing where it actually occurs (in a time sequence sense) in the middle of the tied note sequence. On fixing this in a test MIDI file, Notation Player inserts the time signature at the correct point.

However, in the White Christmas piece, the tied note sequence is followed by a rest. As we know from my other bug report, Notation Player does not correctly display the last note of the tie when followed by a rest. (I assume this is the true bug that you've flagged as 2388 - although your description implies it only occurs when going into a bar with a changed time signature, which is not my experience. I.e. it occurs even when there's no time signature change in the ending bar.)

What I've also discovered is that, in the above case, Notation Player doesn't display the new time signature for that bar either! If I change the rest to a note, the time signature appears. Is this another (related) bug?

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