Thread: Scan support
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Old 03-27-2006, 08:57 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Tom, I had your same

Howdy Tom,

I had your same experience re. meter changes. I think what might happen (and Mark can correct me here if I'm wrong) is that even though you clean up the meter changes (such as from 4/4 to 3/4) in the scanning app, the .mid file that it saves doesn't appear to necessarily save it that way. I found I actually had better success with some pieces if I made the meter consistent (say, all 4/4) and then saved the .mid with added rests, and opened it in Composer. Then I, just looked for the measures that had the quarter note (or whatever) rest in all the staves, and altered the measures there. I'm not sure which way takes less time, but that method made me feel like I was saving time, anyway

The other thing you have to watch out for with PhotoScore MIDI Lite is that it doesn't seem to be consistent about if it transcribes two voices or single voice per staff. The version that I have says it only does single voice per staff, but it does in fact do two if I click the little box check mark. This can make a difference in the "red marks" you get on the beat counts for each measure.

The version I have (3.10) will save an "incorrect" MIDI file if you click the "save anyway" button when it brings up the warning box. I've done that occasionally, too, and just cleaned it up in Composer. I guess my approach has been that I try to do the minimal amount of clean up necessary in the scanner app to get a recognizable file in Composer, and used Composer mostly for major clean up.

That said, I do like the "magnified view" interface in the scanner app that lets you look at the original image scan so you can be sure of what the notation on the printed page looked like right where you're editing. I really needed that last summer when I was working on some old parlor piano music, and some of the sheets were in really bad shape, or really small print.

I hope something here is helpful!

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