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Old 03-28-2008, 07:44 AM
Herbert WENDE (herbert)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Mark, No file that has b

Hi Mark,

No file that has been created in Composer should ever be reinterpreted and changed by Composer. Equally, no file created in other software and successfully loaded into Composer, should ever be changed subsequently by Composer. Composer’s behavior to the contrary is a very serious shortcoming, whether by design or by mistake. The user needs to have full control over the creation of the music. The user needs to have full confidence in the integrity of Composer’s music files.

I do not accept, that there is a need for Composer to change a Composer’s midi file, while the .not file does not need a similar change according to Composer’ protocol, or for any reason. Disaster will not strike the unsuspecting Composer user, when the composition remains unaltered by Composer, no matter how odd the music might be.

A good number of Composer users, if not most, might want to put their music to some proper use, requiring the communication of music files to other devices. Midi files are the most commonly used files for this purpose.

In this case, Composer does away with rests between notes for the presumed better of the music. This is not acceptable.

I need closed timpani rolls. Normally percussion instruments only use the attack of the note. A closed drum roll is a roll where the sticks bounce of the head, producing extra hits. In GPO, The beginning of a note produces a hit and the end of the note produces a bounce. If the rest between the notes is removed by composer, the result is unacceptable.

I recommend urgent attention to this problem.

Best wishes,
