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Old 10-26-2006, 02:42 PM
Reg Burgess (regb)
Posts: n/a
Default Thanks for the extensive reply

Thanks for the extensive reply.

Having spent time as a support engineer I've been used to some level of privileged access to knowledge about bugs. The model that I favor has two tiers, internal and external, with rules about what goes on the external list. "Sanitize bugs" was a part of my job, i.e. re-word the bug report to make it clear, concise, unambiguous - and include the simplest reproducible test case.
Search results were filtered according to who the enquiry was run by, employees getting more detail than customers.

This is probably impractical for a small team - nice to have, but with limited resources the development and fixing take priority over the bug documentation and tracking.
Hmmmm, well,,,, bug tracking is rarely set up for efficiency, since we don't want to believe that there will be more bugs than we can count without taking our socks off (-: If the number and complexity remains low its containable.

Thanks again.

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