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Old 12-27-2006, 10:38 AM
John Smith (johnsmi)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Sherry, Thanks for the det

Hi Sherry,
Thanks for the detailed information. That is in fact exactly what I have been doing (really :-) ). And as you say it doesn't take too long. However with 44 staffs it is rather tedious. It's not doing it once that's the (small) problem though - more that if it then needs to be changed, perhaps several times, to experiment with GPO sound level.

Again, as you correctly point out GPO generally needs different sound levels for each instrument anyway, but I was just trying to set a reasonable non-zero level for all instruments and then go through again and make specific instrument adjustments.

Maybe I should put a request in for a new feature in 2.x on this point?

"Setting controller for ALL staffs to same value in one go"? Or maybe easier to be able to select all instruments in existing menu?
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