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Old 05-11-2007, 06:17 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Burnin' down the house

Howdy folks,

Well, after a month without internet service, we're finally up and running

Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers, support, and for those of you who donated to help replace our vehicles. We are so blessed (For those who are wondering what I'm talking about, you can read "the rest of the story" here).

We have most of the debris cleared, and will be listening to the dulcet tones of the jackhammer and crane as they remove the cement pad from our garage, the stone from one face of the kitchen wall, and the entire roof (trusses included) of the kitchen and porch. Then they'll start the rebuilding process So we'll have dust flying around for a while, but it will be someone else doing the labor this time ;) It will all hopefully be done before our "party season" starts back up in August.

Everyone is doing fine - we've talked with the kids about the fire, and related themes (various items that are now "toast") a good bit, and it seems to be in a good therapeutic mode. We're very thankful that the kids have handled it so well.

I have a "mini kitchen" set up in our dining room, and I'm slowly but surely getting replacements for many of my cooking implements. I will certainly appreciate my kitchen when I get it back We're going to have a party when that happens, and you're all invited (seriously)!

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