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Old 04-23-2009, 04:19 AM
George Mills (mswlogo)
Posts: n/a
Default The song I'm currently lea

The song I'm currently learning has 5 instruments in the midi.

But I want to only view one (the Violin) while playing along.

But when I choose to only view the Violin is seems to assume Solo.

To simulate my playing "with the band" I want it the opposite of how it behaves now. I want all other instruments on and the Violin off as I will be playing the Violin part. But I only want to "read" my Violin music.

Ideally I want that same control as composer to turn any instrument on off and what I decide view should not change what's being played.

Perhaps there already is a trick to doing this but I can't seem to find it. Having conductor view up is very distracting for the young student and forces lots of scrolling which is not needed for his one instrument.
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