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Old 08-26-2007, 11:23 PM
Mark Walsen (markwa)
Posts: n/a
Default Hello Notation Composer and Mu

Hello Notation Composer and Musician Users,

Notation Composer and Musician version 2.2 is now available. You can update to it using the Software Updates command the the Help menu of Composer or Musician. You are encouraged to update to this version.

Please note: If the Help menu's Sofware Update fails with this error message: "Could not start the automatic update (2)", then it will be necessary for you to redownload and install a complete new purchased copy of Composer or Musician, following the instructions at

Here is a summary the enhancements and bug fixes in version 2.2:
  • New Options tab. In previous versions of Notation Composer, the vertically oriented tab at the left side of the window displayed a list of all of the currently opened songs. In version 2.2, an additional Options tab is now displayed. The Options tab takes you back to Notation Composer's opening window, with the familiar options for Create New Song, Search the Internet for MIDI Files, and Open MIDI or Notation File on My Computer.
  • Region Select Mode. To the left of the Select Mode and Add Mode buttons in the main toolbar, there is now a new Region Select Mode button. When it is selected, you can then drag your mouse (hold down the left button key while moving the mouse) to select a region. Before version 2.2, it was necessary to hold down the CTRL key while dragging the mouse to select a region. Instead of clicking this new Region Selection Mode button, you can also double click the right mouse button anywhere in the score. (A single click of the right mouse button toggles between simple Select Mode and Add Mode.)
  • Add Note Mode. An annoyance has been fixed, where in Add Note Mode, the red to-be-added note got stuck in the score when one attempted to move the mouse outside of the score, such as to the staff control buttons on the left.
  • Prepare Fake Book and Sing-Along commands. These two commands now ignore any empty staves (with no notes) as candidates for the melody staff.

-- Mark
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