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Old 12-26-2006, 05:50 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Kombrig, You wrote:

Howdy Kombrig,

You wrote:
The software MNC changes spelling by some different way AGAINST THE HUMAN WILL. And this is horrible!

Can you please give us a step-by-step description of a case where you're setting the enharmonic spelling and Composer is changing it? This will help Mark pin down any potential bug, or to fix any usability problem here. Thanks!

As for the Sound Click site, just visit and set up a New Band Account. They will pretty much walk you through the process, and they do have a "Help" button for either getting FAQ answers, or emailing someone there for help. Good luck! And let us know when you get it set up. It usually takes them about 24 hours to get the new account verified and the music up for others to listen to and download.

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