Thread: Repeats
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Old 03-20-2013, 11:26 AM
dj dj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Balderson, Ontario, Canada, 100 kms (60 miles) from Ottawa
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Default Re: Repeats

Hi, stormproof:

I take it that you don't want the 1 bar repeat at bar 9 and the end of music mark at bar 10? And that you do want bars 2 through 9 to play three times before going to bar 10?

You should be able to edit the end of music mark by clicking on the barline at bar 10 and typing "1" and then "er". That should give you just an end repeat barline.

Try clicking on the barline at bar 9 and typing "1". That ought to remove the extra begin repeat.

Then manually set the instructions for repeats by clicking on the "grid" icon on the barlines palette (or type "qri"). You can directly enter the repeat instructions from there. This is especially useful for things like D.S. and D.C. repeats.

Your repeat instructions should look something like:
__from thru comment
1 1 1 Intro
2 2 9 1st verse
3 2 9 2nd verse
4 2 9 3rd verse
5 10 ?? final ending (?? being whatever your last bar # is.)

(The columns get squished together by the HTML, but they represent the repeat instructions grid.)

Hope that helps.

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