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Old 03-31-2006, 05:07 PM
Mark Walsen (markwa)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi, David,

Hi, David,

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Three small-ish things that I would like to see addressed: ... Mark, I hate, hate, HATE the ...<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>I fear how you'd express something big-ish you didn't like :-) Note to others: I'm just joking David. He's been one of the most valuable beta testers over the years.

(1) I've reproduced the problem with SHIFT+Y not toggling off piano roll. I'll fix that.

(2) The next/prev page double-click option for the Rewind and Fast Foward buttons in the main toolbar will be removed. Instead, there will be a page scroller at the bottom of the window. It's already implemented, and works much better.

(3) I'll review the note attack/release locking feature. It's fairly clear from your comment that this should be an option that can be turned on or off. There a good reasons why some or most users would want this feature when working with an existing MIDI file. For now, after you import a MIDI file, you can select all of the notes and unlock them. Thereafter, if you add a note, it will not be locked. The idea here is that folk importing MIDI files are usually interested in transcribing it to notation, but don't want to alter the MIDI performance at all.

(4) There should be a Freeze Pagination command, but that doesn't really address the problem squarely. I don't think you want to freeze the pagination. You just want it to be consistent: it shouldn't change between between the time you save a file and reopen it. As you know, this has been an elusive problem: the inconsistency in pagination is not consistently inconsistent.

The problem here is probably as follows: Whenever you make any change to the score, MidiNotate should completely reformat the score as far as that change might "ripple".

Have you heard of the "butterfly effect" in math catastrophe theory? A butterfly in flaps its wing, and that's just the extra microscopic disturbance in the atmosphere that triggers a series of wind currents that swing the weather pattern to a massive hurricane. Well, that's a little dramatic.

It's possible, though, that a change in notation on page #2 can ripple pagination changes up to the end of the score at page #103. It would bog down the computer if MidiNotate completely repaginated the score upon every little editing change. So, MidiNotate is "smart" about determining the scope of the repagination ripple effect. However, wherever software tries to be smarter, there is room for more error.

That is probably where the error is. MidiNotate probably is not following the ripple far enough. With that background, which I don't think I've ever described in this forum, perhaps it will help you better help me find the circumstances in which this pagination ripple problem occurs.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

but I've yet to see an on-screen display layout that is significantly better<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>You will in a few weeks, with a beta release of version 2.0.

-- Mark
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