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Old 02-15-2007, 01:57 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Peter, There are a coupl

Hi Peter,

There are a couple of things you can do here.


1. Choose the MIDI Device Configuration command (not the "Quick" one) in the Setup menu.

2. In the MIDI Device Configuration window, choose the Select Ports command in the Port menu.

3. In the Select Port dialog box, make sure there is a checkmark for your GT-8 (I'm not sure what the name would be) in the Input Ports list.


If that Input Port is already checked, then you might want to try the following experiment. Does your keyboard have MIDI In? If so, you can try using your GT-8 box to "trigger" your keyboard's sounds to see if your GT-8 box is properly set to put out a MIDI signal. If you can trigger the keyboard's sounds with your GT-8 box, then it will tell us that the MIDI signal is not getting to Composer for some reason.

Here's hoping that it's just that the Port setting in Composer was not checked for some reason If the above suggestions don't yield a happy result, do let us know.

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