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Old 12-28-2006, 10:21 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Fred, For the above m

Howdy Fred,

For the above mentioned parameters to set in Audacity, they're located in Edit/Preferences, where you'll see a tabbed dialog box with a lot of various options. The first three tabs - Audio IO, Quality, File formats - are the ones of most importance.

Also, as Clyde points out above, you'll need to be recording the correct source, and that source listing as he shows above varies depending on the sound card that is in your computer. For Clyde, it's "stereo mix", for me it's "What you hear". You'll need to check your options there, which will be specific to your soundcard.

Then, after you've got the ASIO4All driver installed use the GPO/JBB Studio (Settings/Preferences) to set the sample rate. Then, use the Studio's "Settings/Preferences/Audio Control Panel" to setup the ASIO4All driver parameters.

I know it sounds like a lot of stuff, but essentially what you're doing is just making sure that all the links in the chain are speaking the same language (bit depth and sampling rate). After you've got that all set up, you should be in business.

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