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Old 11-25-2006, 03:29 PM
Fred Winterling (harbor1)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Mark, Quote:> Thus,

Hi Mark,

Quote:> Thus, improvising is my way of sitting in a chair and making up music in my head, in the way I understand some people can. I put up with all of the "typing mistakes", because I wouldn't begin to hear the music if I were attempting to do it quietly in my internal ears. I think that what improvisation skills I have developed are much different from those of, say, a jazz pianist. His skills are highly developed in certain musical idioms of his choosing. To succeed, he must be able to play jazz scales, and play lots of different types of musical figures, without thinking.

I once had a record that my music teacher put me onto of a "play along with" jazz ensemble. I also had a record player that you could tune up to your accoustic piano. It did wonders for me, but I can't find the record or the record player. I am sure the record player is gone, but I will keep looking for the record and the book that comes with it. If I ever find it, I would be glad to send it to you. (or if I could remember the name of it, I'll let you know).
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