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Old 07-07-2005, 09:48 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy M G, Thanks for your

Howdy M G,

Thanks for your kind comments I do enjoy hearing the GPO instruments, and I haven't taken the time to do any tinkering with things like note velocity in this piece, though that could be fun. I play whistle, and you actually don't get to do much in the way of "velocity" dynamics. Although, depending on the whistle, it sometimes just naturally happens depending on the particular note you're playing on a given instrument. The other thing is that I play whistle "slide" style, which means that instead of tonguing notes, you use little "hesitations", usually giving a smoother sound. It's also a bit difficult to tongue the really fast passages anyway!

As to having heard the melody before, I hope not - I wrote it myself, though it could well be that I, too, had heard it before (or something like it) and it sort of bubbled to the surface. I have a friend who once "composed" a song for a music class, performed it in front of everyone who said "That sounds a bit familiar - can't put a finger on it, though" He figured out years later when he ran across his manuscript that he had "composed" - nearly note for note - "Auld Lang Syne" The arrangement was quite different from traditional, though.

Anyway, if you should wish to do something with the tune, please feel free by all means to do so. I'd love to hear it! The .not, as well as midi are posted in the

Share Your Music » Style: Religion » An instrumental for communion

section. The .not file is in the first post, and the .mid file is about 3 or 4 posts down. It's a simple piece, much influenced by celtic aires, in dorian mode, which gives it much of its flavor.


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