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Old 07-07-2005, 04:35 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy M G, You were asking

Howdy M G,

You were asking about the GPO flute, I presume. I actually didn't do anything to the flute track per se, except change the sound source. In other words, I'm using the exact same midi information for all the different recordings, with the only difference being the sound source (ie, sound card GM, soundfont, GPO). My main intent when I did these three recordings was to show how nice the GPO sounds are "right out of the box" as it were - with little or no tweaking at all. They can sound even better if you do a bit of tweaking with the controllers and such - there are recordings on the site that are quite convincing.

The flute is the GPO "solo flute v(ibrato)", and I thought it came the closest to sounding like what I play on whistle when I do this piece live. I didn't try putting any pitch bends in it, like I do with whistle, as I'm not sure that it's something that one does with orchestral flute. I'm slowly learning more about various instrumental articulations, but I've a long way to go

The recording is a bit too fast - maybe I'll put up another some day.


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