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Old 10-01-2006, 12:42 AM
Clyde (clyde)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Mark, In looking at the

Hi Mark,
In looking at the Hauptwek organ software where the organ piston stops are controlled by doing an instrument change, a small problem has arisen. The problem is more from my ignorance than technical, and so this comment is more of a question (or two questions):

(a) The timing placement of the instrument change on the stave is critical. What are the rules of how this works? My problem is that I need to change pistons in a quiet spot, which is indicated on the 'as played' piano roll display. I have to avoid placing in on the curently playing chord, or alternatively, placing it too late so the next chord does not play with the required stop registration.

So my question is, How can I place the instrument change at the correct position, and how can I tell from the score that it is correct (apart from listening to it).

(b) This is not a critical issue, more a general one. With the organ software you have to specify the midi device that is being used (like you did with GPO). Is there some way that you can load a different table of instruments into the Patch table of 127 instruments, depending on what midi device is being used?

Cheers ... Clyde
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