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Old 04-05-2009, 09:39 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy guys, I just tried th

Howdy guys,

I just tried the file and it is indeed a .not filetype. Attachments to the forum get a number added to the filename proper (presumably to help with parsing them, which is a bit weird), but the .not filetype was retained when I downloaded the file. Some browsers that don't "know" certain filetypes will make a best guess, and perhaps that's what yours was doing Ian, "guessing" that this was supposed to be an mp3 file.

In any event, as Peter says, you should be able to download the file regardless of the filename or extension, and then simply re-name it whatever you want on your hard drive.

It's a very cool performance piece. I don't play keys myself (I'm a bass player for the most part, who plays around with a number of other instruments) but I love hearing this stuff!

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