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Old 02-11-2008, 07:11 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy MG, The problem is wi

Howdy MG,

The problem is with Composer, not you nor your glasses

I've added the "fix horizontal line-up of different melismas" to the "fix it" list. That's the main problem. When that gets fixed, then you won't need melismas that are long enough to extend to the next measure. You can properly add a "melisma only" lyric in that next measure that will line up properly with the melisma in the previous measure.

In case that didn't make sense to someone else following the conversation, in Notation products melisma's are treated just like lyrics (which is what they indeed "look like" to Composer). Thus, in MG's example above, the "For ---------" is treated as one lyric "component" or "syllable" that is associated with the C6 note on the last beat of measure 7. The melisma that is in the file above is long enough to extend to the A5 which is on beat one of measure 8, but Composer doesn't see the extended melisma as "belonging" to that A5 in any sense.

What we're trying to accomplish is to have a shorter melisma "For ----" associated with the C6, followed by a shorter melisma "----" associated with the A5, and have them line up seamlessly in the score. Each melisma would then be properly associated with the right note, and be "horizontally equivalent".

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