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Old 07-17-2007, 11:11 AM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy, Thanks for the praye


Thanks for the prayers Lee - and keep 'em coming I'm glad to hear that your wife's hip replacement has been successful. Bill (my husband) and I went to see a performance of Alice in Wonderland way back before kids, and it was delightful. I hope you enjoyed the performance you attended as much as we did ours I'd like to take the kids to see it sometime as well.

Thanks for the good wishes Jaap. It does indeed take a bit more fortitude than usual to deal with some of this situation

Djim, I would be pleased and honored to have you here! We can take my big bass rig out back and rattle the eaves troughs. The neighbors will just think it's a big combine harvester coming down the road ;)

Something I forgot to mention: if you look at the top picture here, you can see Mahala's bedroom window over the porch. The light from the garage burning is what woke her up (through a light-blocking shade), so you can see that for her it was fairly close. The glass on the outside of her window is all cracked up and some of the aluminum is warped. The window will be replaced (the inside panes are ok). I'm still amazed (and very thankful) about how calm she was when she woke me up. God is gracious

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