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Old 02-25-2005, 01:31 PM
Tim Fatchen (flyingtadpole)
Posts: n/a
Default The attached three files are a

The attached three files are all the same piece, "Bobsprit's Hornpipe", out of The Internet Opera. This song is intentionally a parody on HMS Pinafore, and intentionally the most Gilbert & SUllivan piece in the opera. The files are the "map", the orchestrated version developed from it, and the vocal score reduced and tamed from the orchestrated version.

The "map" is the original piece of music input via keyboard. The music was composed at the piano, and a sufficient piano accompaniment input to allow subsequent embroidering and orchestration on the fly, either by playing along or by simply copying big chunks of the "map" onto the relevant stave. <center><table border=1><tr><td>Bobsprit's Hornpipe "map"
Tim_Fatchen_Bobsprits_Hornpipe_map.not (216.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>

The orchestrated rough, which I've set right (?) for General Midi, sounds good but when one looks at the notation is all over the place. This is not so much to give a "live" feel, but because it was input live! If ever I get this produced, there's a lot of slog to re-arrange and clean up the orchestration, especially the strings where I cheated and put them in as if I were playing a pipe organ:"more volume? hit more notes!!!!". <center><table border=1><tr><td>Bobsprit's Hornpipe orchestral
Tim_Fatchen_Bobsprits_Hornpipe_gm2.not (490.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Most of the preceding was done before Composer came available. I had a then desperate need to try to develop a clean vocal score, which is how I came to find MidiNotate. The last file is the clean vocal score of the song: you're licensed to print a copy for personal study and to get the slightly risque lyrics! The vocal score has been strictly quantised to ensure the printing is wholly correct, and accordingly sounds absolutely terrible. But it reads well, other than the absence of expression marks... The accompaniment was reduced from the orchestrated score, much pain and effort until Composer came along. <center><table border=1><tr><td>Bobsprit's Hornpipe Vocal Score
Tim_Fatchen_Bobsprits_Hornpipe_vocal_score.not (331.5 k)</td></tr></table></center>

The orchestral notation file and the vocal score notation file make quite an interesting contrast. I still enjoy this particular piece of music immensely, which is not the case for much of my output!

The Internet Opera has its website at


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