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Old 02-06-2009, 12:02 AM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy John, When I do a 

Howdy John,

When I do a "live recording" of my music into Composer, I always seem to have lots of those little rests, too. I usually just do the above procedure that I suggested, mostly because sometimes I do adjust the note durations I think that for me, it's because keyboard is not my primary instrument, and I seem to focus more on getting the attack placed right than on the proper sustain of the note.

I have a feeling that with some keyboards, the "bounce" in the feel of the keys probably contributes to the same effect for folks who are regular piano players. The keys are "stiffer", meaning they're more apt to bounce back up than to stay depressed, thus contributing to the "ubiquitous rests" look in the score.

One other technique that you can use is in the Transcription Dialog (or Format/Retranscribe if you've already opened the file). You'll see an option in the lower right of the dialog to "Remove rests smaller than..." and you can choose your value. If you want to universally remove small rests, that's the quickest way.

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