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Old 09-11-2005, 09:02 PM
Mitch M. (mitch1)
Posts: n/a
Default Hello Everybody: I have bee

Hello Everybody:

I have been studying piano at college for quite a while, and while I seem to understand the importance of playing classical music, the part that I am really struggling to understand, is to learn how to play different bass styles/techniques for accompaniment, on the piano.

Things like:
-County Western; Bluegrass,
-Rock; Ballads; Rock N' Roll; Pop,etc...all have different styles of playing and listening to cds, it seems like many are playing "perfect fifths" or walking basslines on the bass guitar...

my question is: When I go and open up a fake-book, or original sheet-music, How can I learn to play many different musical styles/techniques for piano/accompaniment, so that what I am playing will be correct, in the correct music jazz, pop, countywestern, rock, ballads, blues...etc...

Thanks...any suggestions/ideas?
I hope this kinda made sense...but I would REALLY like to learn how to play different styles of bass technique playing on piano...cause I would also like to get into accompanying and arranging....

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