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Old 06-09-2005, 04:45 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Mark, I'm glad th

Howdy Mark,

I'm glad that at least part of the timpani inclusion is headed in the right direction.

At this point it's definitely in the "throwing out an idea to bat around" stage, and I myself will quite often add an idea like this into a piece, and then clip all of it out except for the one (to me) perfect moment - the "less is more" approach. I usually find that (contrary to Fred's approach) if I put it in, then leave the piece and come back later, that my ears are better suited to find balance. In that way, I'm like Clyde

Since this is your piece, and you certainly know better than I what "mood" you want to evoke, and what direction you want to go with it, please do fiddle around with the timpani part if you so desire - snip snip, adjust, whatever. Sometimes the aliens only need to peek around the Death Star just once ....

I'll try to get to the rest of the bass ensemble later. That may add more of the bottom end grounding, but be more subtle than the timpani.


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