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Old 01-13-2009, 12:53 PM
john s. smith (jss)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi, Very easy (and usefu

Very easy (and useful of course) to be able to set courtesy accidentals in NC. A few personal pleas though:-

Can the term "courtesy" also be indexed in the Help system as "cautionary". reason: I think it's more in line with why it's there b) "courtesy" used like this is veiled patronizing (you knew it really didn't you - kind of thing). NB I do not mean intended that way by authors - just that it comes across like that.

Can the () around the accidentals be omitted? Reasons: a) anyone who can read music can see why it's there b) adds far to much decoration to valuable real estate in the bar c) the () are an unnecessary distraction and can lead to unnecessary bar horizontal justification in some cases.

I realise the above may well be at odd with current usage. As I said though, for me, these would be preferable.
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