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Old 12-28-2006, 09:06 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Fred, Ah - you won

Howdy Fred,

Ah - you won't be able to save the device configuration in the MIDI file as it's not part of the MIDI format. The device setup that you give a file is only saved in the .not version of the file.

As for the recording difficulties, you'll need to be sure that all your driver bit rate settings are in agreement, or you won't be able to record. It is a bit of work at first to make sure that everything is all set up in the proper "agreement" configurations, but well worth the time spent. The two biggest factors are the (1) bit depth and (2) sampling rate. These two parameters have to be in agreement, or your recording either won't work at all, or it will sound really bizarre. 16 bit is the CD standard, and a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz is pretty universal for most "hobbyist" audio recording setups.

You'll need to set your recording software as well as the output on the Studio player for JBB and GPO (Settings/Audio driver) to those parameters.

If you want to do some reading, you can google "audio computer record primer" and browse through some of the docs that come up there.

Don't despair Fred - it'll be worth it when you get the setup running!

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