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Old 12-26-2006, 02:04 AM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Fred, Clyde has you head

Hi Fred,

Clyde has you headed in the right direction. I'll have to take a look about the files that you can't access. We've been doing a lot of website work lately, and something may have gotten misplaced.

I think the Studio doesn't come on the CD because they have updated it a couple of times since the original version, and it may just be easier for them to keep the latest version on the server rather than burning copies to CD and then users having to update with a download anyway.

Also, you may want to periodically check the Updates page at (or Downloads, I think it's labelled), as they put updates to the libraries there occasionally, and as a registered user all updates to the libraries you own are free.

The mod wheel is not just a straight volume controller for Garritan libraries, it also encompasses the dynamics of an instrumentalist playing at a louder volume. So for a dynamic change (for example, an increase) with the mod wheel, you won't just get the same timbre of sound at a higher level of volume, you'll also get the dynamics of that louder sound - those differences are obviously unique for each instrument.

Play around with it just using the one Player for a while, to get a feel for what the different controllers can do for the performance of given instruments. With the "X Custom" instruments especially, there are controllers all over the place to adjust different aspects of the instrument performance. After just playing around with the controllers and hearing what they do, the Graphic Controls that Mark has incorporated for the various MIDI controllers will make it extremely easy to use them when you're putting together a score/performance in Composer.

You're in for a ton of fun

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