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Old 10-21-2006, 01:55 PM
Dr Peter Kalve
Posts: n/a
Default Many thanks - glad you liked t

Many thanks - glad you liked the Toccata!

Lots of quotes - "Wachet auf", "Nun Danket", a small quotation from Messiaen's Turangalila Symphony!

The palindrome was great fun - I'm thinking of adding some more pieces to make a suite. The choral works are good fun too - especially the Ikon piece, which is deliberately in the style of John Tavener.

I have a recording of the Bernstein lectures on "The Unanswered Question". His analysis of the music of Cahrles Ives was remarkable, but hen so is the music of Ives - a much neglected and truly great composer. He is played a little here in the UK, but in America I do get the impression he is somewhat undervalued - quite wrongly!

Anyway - many thanks!

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