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Old 12-11-2008, 01:45 PM
Tim Fatchen (flyingtadpole)
Posts: n/a
Default David, no reasonably priced on

David, no reasonably priced online for the Vienna Philharmonic in Salzburg on Mozart's birthday! there were a couple of dozen seats left when I looked, seven weeks down the track. No, we'll get to something. THing was, I was never a mozart fan when learning: crystalline, breaks when dropped. Beethoven now, bounces. And Vienna was his city. Though we'll probably end up at the Magic Flute in Vienna!

I won't even start on arts funding in sunny SOuth Australia. lets just say the removal of peanut-level funds which led to the immediate collapse of all but three of the local theatre companies is a mere trifle...

Times might well get tougher for me, increasing fights with increasingly powerful and increasingly ideological and strangely green government departments, can only end in me exploded and giving up. But I should try to hold on another couple years and clear the last mortgage.... ;) I have to get more songs under publishing contract...then one day they might even start earning synch and royalty income. At $0.66 a throw no doubt...
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