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Old 02-07-2008, 01:18 AM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy folks, No other news

Howdy folks,

No other news yet. However, I have been doing a bit of reminiscing.

When Fred first hit the forum, I really had no clue who this guy was, except that he was enthusiastic about music, warm, self-effacing, and had this tune he'd written years ago when he was a teen that he called "Saxophone Rock". Like the fool walking in where angels fear to tread, I jumped on the offer he made of having someone collaborate with him in bringing this tune to life. Had I known at that point what a real musician Fred was, and what his background was (professional for many years, played with some big names, and was a name in his own right) I wouldn't have made so bold. But Fred made the joint project a lot of fun, and never ever gave me any grief about what I did to his song Some time later, when it slowly came out by degrees just what his "pedigree" was, I nearly flipped.

We exchanged some help with a couple of our own projects, me helping him some with mixing a project of some songs he recorded, and he helping me with a CD of parlor piano music that I worked up for my aunts and uncles. I remember him telling me that one day as he was working on a song for my aunts/uncles project (I had sent him a photocopy of a score that was too bad to scan, and he was recording it into Composer for me) his wife Patsy walked past the room, and told him that for a minute there, she thought his Mom had come back, because it sounded just like her

Fred was a kind fellow, and was always a great encouragement to me and to others here as well. Please feel free to share any stories that you have, and feel comfortable with posting. I think Fred would like that - he liked to tell tales

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