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Old 06-09-2008, 04:32 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy Matt, I think in my h

Howdy Matt,

I think in my haste to get ahead of the storms coming through last night, I forgot to hit the final "Post" button, so I'll try a repeat here

I figured your requiem was for the folks in China who have undergone such a devastating tragedy. I can only relate in a small way from our house fire last year. While we all got out safely, the clean up and recovery period had many of those "quiet melody amidst the maelstrom" moments. So, from a very small sampling in my personal life, I can feel the emotional impact of your composition, and how that must translate on a much larger scale for the inhabitants of Sichuan. Perhaps my own little experience is what gives me a bit more empathy with this piece. I certainly pray for God's peace for them such as I've been able to experience. I can only imagine what they're dealing with.

Your composition shows an empathy that is well developed. Do you have other compositions that have been inspired by other events? I find that events in my life tend to spur my musical creativity, or at least what I think of as my musical creativity ;)

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