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Old 08-15-2023, 09:23 PM
Jeffrey610 Jeffrey610 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 55
Default Re: So. . .Here's Some Mo'

So, About 500 listens (by this date) and NOT ONE COMMENT
I just don't know what to think. Is this melody too sappy, aggressive, needs more Cow bells. . .(SNL reference). . . I just don't know. . .nobody said anything.

There is a saying "Chefs should never rate their own dishes". I believe that to be true. . .or I would never make another song because of my own critique. So, somebody tell me to knock it off. . .or go for it. . .or something.

Hey, my rambling brain says, have you heard of the HULU Movie "Chevalier"? I thought it was brain-bustingly good. (Even though, Protagonist was abandoned by Marie-Antoinette before she got her comeuppance). If you are a fan of French Classical Music, Mozart or Violin Concertos. . .you will probably like this 2022 movie. I did, and am influenced. I think I am going to Gimme Some Mo' With a FRENCH TWIST.
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