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Old 09-03-2022, 12:08 PM
dj dj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Balderson, Ontario, Canada, 100 kms (60 miles) from Ottawa
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Default Re: No sound from Aria Player after configuring with Notation

Hi, jpbaker:

Having the same instrument names in the Composer list isn't directly relevant. You can update the instrument names separately. You're probably just looking at a General Midi list in Composer.

I don't have the Garritan software, so I'm talking through my hat, here, but I suggest you need to make sure that each reception channel in Garritan is set to listen for input from the LoopBe IN for that channel.

I don't use LoopBe anymore, either, but it should be as simple as LoopBe1 OUT on Composer, then LoopBe1 IN on Garritan.

One last thought: make sure that midi isn't muted in the LoopBe1 tray icon.

I hope that helps, but, as I say, I might be talking through my hat.

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