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Old 01-10-2022, 08:50 AM
Reinhold H. Reinhold H. is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Utting am Ammersee, Germany
Posts: 628
Default Re: Step Recording Issue


Thanks, same new years greetings. Yes, I agree the world right now is kind of upside down.

Regarding the step-time-recording there have been a few issues which even have interfered:
  • step-time-recording is only possible when the sound system is up and the external midi input is possible. But there was no clear indication to the user. So, in case the sound system is not up after startup simply no note entry is possible. This is very confusing.
  • an issue in the correct note cursor location in the score causes a dependancy on the zooming and eventually added a little rest. This has a dramatic consequence because note entry needs to start all over again
  • and finally, we added the requirement that a new empty measure gets added when the last measure is reached
We have the update 4.0.3 almost ready but waiting for the final Wine-7.0 release which is required for macOS PCs with Apple M1 processor (new ) and Chromebooks (new ). Hopefully we can get 4.0.3 out in the next weeks.

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