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Old 02-10-2018, 02:59 PM
dj dj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Balderson, Ontario, Canada, 100 kms (60 miles) from Ottawa
Posts: 814
Default Re: Vollume changes lost on XML export/import

Hi, Reinhold:

Playing with Music XML import again.

Same file as before. Attached are the results on XML re-import. I realize that's a foolish way to do it, but I really don't have any other way of viewing the result.

Attached are some screengrabs of three spots in the original .not file and the same places in the re-imported .mxl file.

The first spot (the "volume graphs 1" pair of jpegs) is at bar 3 where I had manually inserted volume drops to set up 1st time tacet situations. This time I added expression marks there as well. The re-imported .mxl file shows the correct volume drops, along with the expression marks and the free text element in the top staff (which is the clarinet staff).

The second spot ("volume graphs 2") is at bar 9-11. Note that the flute volume (top staff) is is not raised, despite the expression marker, while the 3rd, 4th and 5th staves (which are the brass) show a very slight increase, which actually is probably correct. Again, the free text element appears correctly in the top staff.

The third spot ("volume graphs 3") shows the 2nd staff (clarinet) raised appropriately to the expression marker and the free text element appearing properly.

So, I think the free text is in good order, but the volume changes are still problematic, although better than they were when none happened.

I hope that helps.

By the way, the attachments appear, in order with the XML import examples 1 through 3, then the NOT file grabs 1 and 2. The third of those will be in the next post.

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