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Old 08-22-2005, 02:01 PM
Sherry Crann (sherry)
Posts: n/a
Default Howdy M G, Thanks for the e

Howdy M G,

Thanks for the encouragement about teaching - we homeschool, so I'm glad to get some feedback about my methods from someone who would know I've had a bit of practice in the "examples" department, as I used to be a biochemistry researcher, and in trying to explain what I did to other folks, I found that I had to come up with examples that would be tangible for them. If I've helped someone understand something, that is a great joy to me

Re. your soundcard, which one specifically do you have? If it's by Creative, and you have an "A" and "B", these are probably the "A synth" and "B synth". It sounds as if you do indeed have soundfont capability. Do you have the software CDs that shipped with your computer? I have a Dell machine also, as well as a Creative sound card that I ordered with it, and they shipped all the software with the machine in case of trouble. If you have the CDs, then you should be able to re-install the software so that you can use the soundfont capability.

As for the "voice" soundfonts, they're not like spoken or sung words, but more like variations on the choir/solo aahhs and oohhs. I do have a couple that are rather interesting "tribal yells", but you probably don't want them in your piece unless you're looking for a yodeling effect If you've figured out how to use soundfonts in your card, then I could send you the soundfonts to try out.

If the english horns only play during the solo sections, then I can set up those staves/tracks easily enough. However, it sounds like you've been working on some annotations that may be helpful when setting up the GPO performance, so I'll just wait til you send the .not file to do a final file.


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