Thread: New GoTo?
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Old 10-16-2015, 10:34 PM
rrayner rrayner is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 904
Default New GoTo?

I am so upset with myself. I came into "Suggestions and feature requests" with good intentions to ask for a new feature, when David's bright and shiny "New Text Tool" distracted me, and by the time I finished, the idea had gone. I continued working. I remembered -- then poof! by the time I was back in, it had disappeared again. Finally, I have it again!

How about adding a qgrm for Go To Rehearsal Mark (RM). I don't know how the other stalwarts would feel about it, but it would sure save me some time -- I can remember the RM easier than the measure number. Thinking about it, it would probably not be a very easy implementation -- you would have to tag each RM with an identifier that would work in a "Go To".

Anyway, there it is.

Ralph Rayner
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