Thread: A new text tool
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Old 06-01-2015, 11:19 AM
dj dj is offline
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Default A new text tool

Hi, Reinhold, Sherry:

Here's a wish-list item for version 4 that I've been thinking about recently.

I'm working on a LOT of pages of orchestration -- 4 shows, 20-30 numbers per show and 8-15 instruments per orchestra.

To ensure that tempii and special instructions are included in every extracted part, I have to go through several hoops. I can use Page Text for initial tempii, etc., but for those further into the number, I either have to add each marking through Free Text attached to each staff or add the markings once (at the top of the score) and move them to each staff before I extract the part. The first method makes for a very messy conductor's score, the second takes a lot of time.

I'd like to see a new text object that behaves like a cross between the current Rehearsal Mark and Free Text types. It would be associated with a specific bar or bar/beat in a score and would, like a Rehearsal Mark, be extracted with each part, but, like Free Text, would not push notes on the staff below it to the right (as Rehearsal Marks do) and would interpret "\ codes" to allow entry of special characters.

Entering of special instructions, tempii and other "inside" text would become a relative snap and the automatic extraction to multiple parts available in printing or saving as PDF would be hugely simplified.

I think the functionality of such a new text object would be very useful and add much to Composer's capability.

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