Thread: Scan support
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Old 02-01-2007, 10:46 AM
Herbert WENDE (herbert)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Joerg, Thank you, for po

Hi Joerg,

Thank you, for pointing out, that XML is now available in Capella Scan.

Capella Scan is the only scan software, I have used.

Here is my experience:

I have had a few program crashes in connection with selecting a beam style. Apart from that, the software has been free of bugs and has been stable. At times, there are problems with symbol interpretations, as one might expect. Some examples of problems are: a note is hidden under the treble clef, there are several ¼ rests on top of each other, ¼ rests are displayed instead of the natural symbol. To investigate, shifting or deleting a symbol, reveals what is under it. At times, I have deleted the content of on or several measures, to be later filled in, in Composer. The effect of errors is often a horizontal displacement of the notation. This is easily fixed in Composer. I remove anything suspect in Capella Scan, as it is easy to correct the notation in Composer. The editing of symbols in Capella Scan works well, but for me, Composer is superior for editing.

The above list of problems is not complete, yet Capella Scan has been most useful.

Best wishes from "berghofen",

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