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Old 02-26-2005, 04:44 AM
Clyde (clyde)
Posts: n/a
Default Hi Mark, Thanks for invitin

Hi Mark,
Thanks for inviting me to share something about my music, and how it being received.

I have been somewhat overwhelmed by the response to my music, to say the least. It just makes me recognise what a wonderful thing the internet is for sharing with others.

Here are some of the details collated from my webcounters. This information is since Christmas, 2004:

(a) Visitors to my site ( - 7,418
(b) Number of songs played - 13,357
(c) Number of MP3 CD's downloaded (5 songs) - 130
(d) Number of music books downloaded (25 songs) - 766
(e) Number of countries - well over 70

I receive a number of interesting e-mails from users of my songs, and these come from around the globe. People seem to appreciate the different style of my music, in that it gives them another option to the older traditional style and newer 'pop/rock' style.

I received an interesting e-mail a week or so ago from a Lutheran Church in St Louis, Missouri - their children's choir had sung one of my songs in their morning service and they sent me an MP3 file of them singing. It was wonderful to hear them, and it warms the heart to think of all these children on the other side of the world using my music. They gave me permisison to put their singing on my web page (see - main page).

Also this week I received from CCLI (Christian Copyright Licencing International) in USA a nice little cheque for royalties. What is interesting about this is the songs that these royalites are paid on. They come from the more traditional songs, like the one on the 'Apostles Creed' and also the ones on the Psalms. So it looks like my songs are being picked up by the more traditional churches as well.

So for me its all very encouraging. I don't think my music will every become mainstream within the Churches, nevertheless there are lots of people who are appreciating it and finding it helpful.

And that is what makes it all worth while.

Thanks again Mark for asking how its going,


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