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Old 03-09-2010, 11:38 AM
dj dj is offline
Join Date: Jan 1970
Location: Balderson, Ontario, Canada, 100 kms (60 miles) from Ottawa
Posts: 812
Default Re: New, first submission

Hello, Yenney:

Thanks for this. A very evocative piece -- reminds me a little of the traditional Scottish piece, Carolan's Farewell.

Are you a harper, by any chance?

I don't know what synth/sound card you have, but many people still use the built-in Microsoft Wave Table thing, which is pretty limited. Here's a little midi trick that can give help some "presence" to a piece played on a synth/sound card that doesn't have effects:

Clone each of the staves (under the Staff menu), then go to the Note Velocity view and set the velocity of all the cloned notes to about 1/3 of the original. Then go to the Piano Roll view, select all the notes of the two clones, and slide the performance attack and release about 4 clicks to the right.

Instant slap-back echo! Play with the velocity until you feel the "echo" is right. Note that it should be done with the velocity settings, rather than the volume settings, as note velocity also affects the timbre of the sound, giving the "echo" a more muted sound.

Use the pan setting for each track to fill the stereo-scape. (Making sure each track has a different midi channel.)

This works especially well for percussive sounds like harp.

You can then hide the clones tracks in your view and have only the principal ones seen.

Welcome to the forum!

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