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lrbaker 08-23-2014 05:53 PM

Using Korg PS60
I have a Korg PS60 synthesizer - when I connect it to my computer and try to use it with Notation Composer I find that the 'onboard' Wavetable Synth (Windows 7-64) disappears as a choice and I contacted Korg - this is their reply:

Having looked further into this issue, I have found the exact same issue you describe in Composer. However, it seems that it is a problem caused by Composer itself. I have created screenshots of the MIDI preferences window of other programs and they can all correctly see the KORG USB MIDI Driver as well as the built-in Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth without any issues.

Obviously it doesn't happen with other programs - anyone have an idea how to circumvent this as I would like to be able to revert to Wavetable Synth at some time?

Sherry C 08-23-2014 06:09 PM

Re: Using Korg PS60

Actually I wish this would happen automatically to most folks who use a keyboard synth :)

The reason I wish it would happen is that we typically have to tell users to turn off the GS Wavetable synth while they're using a keyboard, especially if it is for recording purposes. Most folks use ASIO driver(s) of some type to record because it gives them zero latency. The GS Wavetable interferes with that, and causes latency which makes the sound come out almost a half second after you've pressed the key.

So, this is the first time that I've heard of where the GS Wavetable just disappeared like that. That said, we certainly wouldn't want Composer knocking out other MIDI devices wantonly.

Please try the following:

  1. Take a look in Setup/MIDI Devices Configuration (the big one) and see if the GS Wavetable shows up there (I'm not sure which location you were looking before).
  2. If you do not see the GS Wavetable listed there, please click on the "Port" menu item in that dialog, then "Select Ports" and see if it shows up in the "Output Ports" (right hand side) list.
If it is in the list and unchecked, you can simply check the box when you want to use it again.

Also, which version are you using? (eg. 2.6.3 or 3.0 or ...) I'm asking because we did a lot of work in the MIDI device area for 3.0 and if this is a problem showing up in an earlier version then it may have been fixed with the 3.0 release. If you're using an earlier version, you may want to test the trial version of 3.0 to see if it still happens.

Looking forward to hearing back the results.


lrbaker 08-25-2014 09:47 AM

Re: Using Korg PS60
I was on version 2.6.3 but now have installed the trial for 3.0.When I go to to configuration Wavetable doesn’t appear at all – not even in the ports list. In the earlier version it does appear on the list but the configuration ‘can’t detect it’.I can play back through the keyboard – but it only plays Midi channel 1. When I try to record it briefly records about 200 bars later then gives up altogether!It always worked perfectly well with an earlier simpler keyboard which is why initially I went to Korg for a solution – they managed to replicate my problem but not solve it!

Sherry C 08-25-2014 03:44 PM

Re: Using Korg PS60

This may sound like a strange recommendation, but Microsoft has been doing some strange things lately with the MIDI support in Windows.

Please try installing the LoopBe1 that you can find free at make sure it is LoopBe1 (free) and not the LoopBe30 (pay for). We have had one customer who reported that the GS Wavetable was missing in any configurations until he installed the LoopBe1.

It's easy, free, and so worth a shot :) Looking forward to what you find.


lrbaker 08-25-2014 04:15 PM

Re: Using Korg PS60
Thanks for your help.
Tried this - it shows up OK but still no GS Wavetable. I have tried it on both versions . Also it's still only transmitting channel 1. I think I'll have to revert to my old keyboard which seems to work OK. I think the problem is more to do with the Korg rather than Notation. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has managed to use the Korg PS60 with Notation -an excellent synth and an excellent program - but not together!

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