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homeboy26 11-02-2013 12:23 AM

Failure to copy and paste measure/s
In the middle of a very challenging and new style of composition for myself, I suddenly found that I could not copy and paste a complete measure of music. Whereas up until then I had been merrily and as usual, copying and pasting single measures, several measures and/or this and that.....suddenly I keep getting the error message stating that you can't do that with overlapping notes etc.

Thing is, there are NO overlapping notes. This is a single measure in which all the notation is within the ties etc.

So I left the reluctant measure and tried to copy and paste another one. Same result.
I don't know what happened then while I was doing a few things but then when I tried to play the composition from start, only one of the 7 parts would sound. The other 6 were muted. Naturally I went to the Mute on/off buttons in Window View. But they did nothing to change things. The sounds remained muted.
The I thought "Hmmm better save this before I really mess it up!"
So I saved it. I'll open it up again and see if the restart of NC has corrected things.
OMG! Upon opening the score and trying to play it. There was the same loss of sound on 6 of the staves. Right through the whole piece which had taken me hours and hours to create!!!
I nearly had a heart attack! I thought the worst and that I had lost my relished creation.
But no! Someone in their wisdom thought to give NC the power to save Recovery versions of scores. How it know WHEN, more than how, is to me a mystery.
But thankyou thankyou thankyou and thankyou again for that fabulous feature!

So, feeling good with my recovered and now playing as normal score, I thought......Yep! you guessed it! Beck to the copying and pasting that I was into before.

Sad to say, but NC just refuses to let me copy and paste complete measures from within my score, leaving me no option but to ask for HELP! HELP! HELP!
to find out why and how to fix the problem.

It will be a tiresome and daunting task for me to have to literally rewrite existing measures into where I want them to go. Don't get me wrong...It can be done of course.

dj 11-02-2013 10:24 AM

Re: Failure to copy and paste measure/s

Can you attach the .not file you're working on to a post, so that we can have a look at it?

There might be some odd note lengths causing the problem or something similar.

If we can see the file, we might find it.


Sherry C 11-02-2013 10:44 AM

Re: Failure to copy and paste measure/s

Yes, please do either post a copy or send one along to so that we can take a look at it.


homeboy26 11-03-2013 04:10 AM

Re: Failure to copy and paste measure/s
I found the way to cut and paste a stave with overlapping notes.
Just de-overlap all the notes by removing the ties.
Then move the whole stave into the desired score position using cut and paste, and re-insert the ties.

It would be good if one could cut and paste ANY measure/s whether or not they contain overlapping tied notes.

Sherry, what thinkest thouest ?


Sherry C 11-04-2013 05:26 PM

Re: Failure to copy and paste measure/s

You should be able to copy/paste with overlapping notes or with notes that extend to unselected measures (I can do that here with various files).

Having a copy of the file that is giving the problem would be very helpful, because apparently there are "extenuating circumstances" that are at work here.

If you don't want to post your file here, then please send it to me at If you can please let me know specifically which measure(s) you can't copy/paste it will speed up my analysis some :)


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