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edje12344 03-30-2013 07:36 AM

Akai Professional extern soundcard
Hopefully someano can help me? I've bought me a new extern soundcard BUT can't hear my music (or get any sound out of it) will using the Akai. What can I so to fix it?

dj 03-30-2013 11:47 AM

Re: Akai Professional extern soundcard
Hello, edje:

What model of Akai sound card are you using? I don't know about older products, but neither of the current Akai cards, the EIE or the EIE-Pro, actually make any sound on their own -- you have to have another sound source to make the noise.

Nor do Notation Software products have their own built-in synths, rather it is assumed that you have either external synths playing through a midi device or internal sound sources, such as the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth that is built into every copy of Windows. These latter would use your computer's on-board sound card for their output.

The purpose of an interface like the Akai EIE is to bring audio into the computer for recording and mixing in DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) software such as Cakewalk Sonar, that is aimed at audio, rather than notation, which is the purpose of Notation Software products. The Akai interfaces also include a pair of MIDI connections and should show up in the Notation Composer/Musician midi devices setup, strictly as a controler, but without any sound capability.

If you have on-board sound, you might be able to re-route the output to the Akai card using your computer's sound control app.

Does any of that help?


edje12344 03-30-2013 01:03 PM

Re: Akai Professional extern soundcard

And let it be that this was my mistake thanks, i'll be back :cool:

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