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hervé GILLES (hervich) 05-18-2006 09:36 PM

The famous Meggie's theme
The famous Meggie's theme from "Thorn Birds (by the great Henry Mancini). I am a professional french arranger & composer.
Here I have written an easy vesion for 3 instruments and piano : 2 flutes and 1 clarinet. For listening I have not tranposed the clarinet but for playing, you have to transpose the clarinet-part with 2 semitones up (so in Dm).


hervé GILLES (hervich) 05-18-2006 09:42 PM

The file Thorn birds

The file Thorn birds<center><table border=1><tr><td>'s theme
Thorn Birds trio.not (92.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Mark Walsen (markwa) 05-19-2006 03:33 PM

Hello Herve, This is an ele
Hello Herve,

This is an elegant arrangement. I'm sure that when it is performed by real musicians it is as charming to hear as it is to see as a score.

-- Mark

Sherry Crann (sherry) 05-19-2006 08:32 PM

Howdy Herve, Beautiful! Si
Howdy Herve,

Beautiful! Since I doubt I would ever get to hear a trio perform this piece (though I'd love to), I fired up my Garritan Personal Orchestra (GPO) and played the file through that. It sounded great! (I did have to make a few minor adjustments to relative volume levels, for the difference of the dynamics of the orchestral library versus general MIDI instruments.)

I really appreciate the care you took with the annotations. Using Composer to play the piece and seeing your annotations while it plays are quite helpful in my on-going quest to learn. I can imagine that with the dynamics that you've indicated, the piece would be very alive in performance.

Wonderful job - I'd love to hear some of your other works!


M G Jacobs (mgj32) 05-20-2006 07:54 AM

Hi Herve, Nice work. I hav
Hi Herve,

Nice work. I have heard, I imagine, but don't recall the piece. The harmony, with the frequent use of 7ths, gives the instrumental combination a haunting quality that is quite appealing. Sherry is right about the sound. One of the most glaring weaknesses of MIDI, seems to me to be the winds. I played it with soundfonts of flute and clarinet which have reverb, vibrato and overtones, and the effect is very pleasing.

all best,

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