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Iosonoilprologo 03-02-2012 03:58 PM

Rehearsal marks
Hi Sherry, I watched your tutorial regarding the several ways Music Composer allows you to practice. I tried the rehearsal marks on this particular piece I'm trying to master. I set Rehearsal mark 1 and then 7 measures later I set number 2. I thought this would then create a loop that would continue to repeat itself for whatever number of repetions I set it for. This is not happening. I know (without a doubt) I'm doing something wrong and/or not giving the software complete instructions. Help!!:confused:

Sherry C 03-02-2012 05:19 PM

Re: Rehearsal marks

The key here is probably that you need to do a "Practice playback" and not just "regular" playback. To start a Practice Session, you can hit "Alt + Space bar", and it will start the Practice session.

Does this help?

Iosonoilprologo 03-02-2012 05:53 PM

Re: Rehearsal marks
Sherry, it sort of helped. I did a start like you indicated and it worked. However to begin with, it gave me kind of a three bars "heads up" which I don't really need. Then it went seven bars after my rehearsal mark # 2 before it clicked back to the 3 bars prior rehearsal mark # 1. Is there a way to fine tune it so it would start at exactly reharsal mark #1 and end at exactly rhearsal mark #2? I have a deadline to master this piece and the silent bars that I don't need are taking time from valuable practice time.

Sherry C 03-02-2012 06:19 PM

Re: Rehearsal marks

Without seeing the file, it may have a "twist" in it that sometimes causes the ending to go over.

Since you're on a schedule, please try the following:

1. Make sure that in Perform/Practice setup, the Count "0" lead in measures has 0 in it, and that there are no pauses between loops.

2. Make sure that Perform/Pickup beats has the "Play pickup for only recording" selected.

3. (If needed) For some reason, if the file has the "twist" that I mentioned, then setting the barlines at the beginning and end of the segment you're practicing as begin and ending repeat barlines respectively seems to eliminate the problem. You can try and see if it works for you.

Hope this helps!

Iosonoilprologo 03-02-2012 07:28 PM

Re: Rehearsal marks
"1. Make sure that in Perform/Practice setup, the Count "0" lead in measures has 0 in it, and that there are no pauses between loops." That's all I needed to do and it worked!!! Thanks!!!

Sherry C 03-02-2012 07:41 PM

Re: Rehearsal marks

Glad that worked!

I should review the tutorial video and see what other instructions I left out...


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